Our Passion for Innovation

Innovations Adviser, Redentor Hipolito, believes that innovation without direction is meaningless and notes, “There are two types of development – the one that maintains the market, and one that improves the market, also called ‘disruptive innovation’. We address both with our R&D.”

At Chemrez, our high-end, state-of-the-art laboratory equipment is shared across different companies serving different industries. This allows us to create everything from amazing customized color palettes of paints for homes or industrial spaces, precisely-tuned concentrations of medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) for health tonics to low-chemistry fertilizers and coco-based products that also effectively support our coconut farmers. Our innovation drives us to produce the best products for our clients, assuring them that whatever they imagine, our world-class chemists & engineers can concoct it.

However, innovation is not the job of one team alone. Every week, Founder Dean Lao sits in on weekly meetings with an action team of Marketing, R&D and Production, challenging our inventors to come up with new formulations the market doesn’t even know it needs, yet. The action team works together to invent new processes to stretch our lead over competition, or to disrupt new market segments we wish to establish beachheads on.

Managing Director, Dean Lao, Jr. says, “This special sauce of passion from our Marketing people, dynamism of R&D and capability of production – all working in unison, is the key to Chemrez’ success in the field of innovation.”

After new processes and new products are made, we test the application of our products in our Analytical Laboratory.

“We don’t wait for customers to test it. We test it inside our company. When we make paints, we test the paints using our own emulsion. Most specially with oleochemical and homecare and personal care products, we test it along with FGDs. With Espresso, we use it on our training room walls to showcase its three-dimensional characteristics. We use our paint coatings in our company garage and let our trucks pass over them. We are always ready to validate our claims,” Technical Director, Sonia Salvador, emphasized.

As General Manager Henry Siy often says, “Innovation should make obsolete something normally present.”

And it is through each team working together and playing their part, that innovation at Chemrez continues to thrive.



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